Hello cake fans! Sorry it's been a while. I have been making cakes, but not photographing them- I'm awful! Hopefully this will make up for it a little. I don't know if you can get this sweets worldwide, but here in the UK we have these sweeties called Wine Gums. They don't have wine in them, never have, they're just fruity but have names of different wines on each chewy sweet. Look at the photo I posted at the beginning of this post and see the wiki here:
Anyway. We got a request for a Wine Gums 30th birthday cake! So, as ever, my MIL was on baking and cake covering duties, and I had the task of making a bag of Wine Gums out of icing!
This is step two. I hand painted a logo exactly like the bag of sweets I had next to me. It was quite laborious, but worth it. There's a lot of shine on this photo as it's still wet.
And here is the finished Wine Gums packet, next to the REAL bag. I'm annoyed with myself as I know there's one sweet I forgot to paint on the packet.... I don't think anybody else cared. I even painted the tiny box in the bottom right corner that says "175 calories" Hee! The colours are
Below is step one. The bag. Covered in icing sugar still in places. I pondered how to let it dry in the right shape to put the sweets in, but then realised I should just shove the actual Wine Gums in there for it to dry around! No point in making the sweets out of icing. It would be tricky to get the jelly effect right, and sweets are edible, and go nicely with cake anyway, so why the hell not??

relatively true in this photo (my husband took this photo on his phone and it's better than mine)

And finally... the cake itself! I just handed over the bag I made to my mother in law, and she did everything else. The little glasses of red stuff I am told are jelly (or jello to you Americans) I thought they might be some sickly sweet alcoholic shot, but thankfully not! The tiers are a much deeper, brighter colour than the photo shows. Bright orange, lime green and luminous yellow to go with the sweeties!
In my personal opinion, I thought there were too many Wine Gums on the side of the tiers of cake. Obviously more than would fit in the bag, but artistic licence allows a few more. I just think it's a little overkill, but apparently there were bags of Wine Gums EVERYWHERE at the party, so perhaps it's not too many! What do you think?

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